Essay Rubric – Total Points Possible: 80






Biographical Information

Name, Origin, Lifespan, and Childhood were very well-researched and presented clearly.

Name, Origin, Lifespan, and Childhood were all addressed, but could have enjoyed more detail and clarity.

One biographical aspect was omitted and/or there was a substantial deficit of information and clarity.

More than one biographical aspect was omitted and/or there was very little evidence of research.

Connection to community and Hispanic world

At least 6 aspects of this connection were addressed in clear, well-researched, comprehensive terms.

At least 4 aspects of this connection were addressed in well-researched, comprehensive terms.

Three aspects of this connection were addressed and/or connections were explained sloppily and without sufficient justification.

Two or fewer aspects of this connection were addressed and/or they showed little-to-no research or justification

Famous works, Uniqueness

Two or more of the artist’s famous works were addressed. Each piece was explored and analyzed from at least 5 different angles. Uniqueness was explained thoroughly via explication of defining characteristics.

Two or more of the artist’s famous works were addressed.  Each piece was explored and analyzed from at least 3 different angles. Uniqueness was explained adequately.

Only one of the artist’s famous works was addressed and/or analysis lacked depth. Uniqueness was only partially addressed.

One or none of the artist’s famous works was mentioned and/or there was little-to-no justification of uniqueness.

Grammar and organization

Paper was very well-organized and free of grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.  

Paper was organized with a few minor grammar, spelling, or formatting errors.

Paper lacked organization and/or had significant grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

Paper was largely incoherent and somewhat incomprehensible due to severe grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

PowerPoint Rubric – Total Points Possible: 80






Evidence of understanding

PowerPoint reflects a comprehensive understanding of the person, the time period, and the significance of the artwork.

PowerPoint demonstrates adequate comprehension of the person, the time period, and the artwork.

PowerPoint shows only a limited understanding of the person, the time period, and the artwork.

PowerPoint demonstrates little-to-no understanding of the person, time period, or artwork.

Required elements

PowerPoint contains at least 10 slides and 8 images, all of which pertain to the subject matter and are perfectly suited for the slide contents.

PowerPoint contains at least 10 slides and no fewer than 6 images, all of which pertain to the content of the presentation.

PowerPoint contains 7-9 slides and no fewer than 5 images, all of which pertain to the content of the presentation.

PowerPoint contains fewer than 7 slides or fewer than 5 images and/or elements do not pertain to the content of the presentation.

Mechanics and use of Spanish

PowerPoint is entirely in Spanish and has no misspellings or grammatical errors.

PowerPoint is entirely in Spanish and has no more than two misspellings or grammatical errors.

PowerPoint contains some English words and/or has 3-4 misspellings or grammatical errors.

PowerPoint is written largely in English and/or has 5+ misspellings or grammatical errors.


Student used a clear voice that was audible from the back of the room. Student spoke in fluent, cohesive sentences with little or no pause or hesitation. Tone of voice demonstrated strong interest and enthusiasm.

Student's voice was clear and mostly audible. Student spoke with reasonable fluency, pausing or hesitating on occasion. Tone of voice demonstrated some interest and enthusiasm.

Student’s voice was quiet with frequent pauses, making it difficult for classmates to hear. Tone of voice demonstrated only limited interest and enthusiasm.

Student mumbled, paused, and spoke too quietly for students in the back of the class to hear. Tone of voice showed little-to-no interest or enthusiasm.

Extra Credit Art Project – Total Points Possible: 40
The amount of extra credit given will be subjectively decided by Sr. Paco based on his perception of the amount of time and dedication that went into the creation of the piece.